Information 21-02-2023

The awareness day on fight against drugs and cyber-crime.

On Monday, February 20, 2023, at the faculty of letters and languages, the communication and public relations unit of the security of the wilaya of Tlemcen organized a day of awareness for the fight against drugs and cyber-crime as part of the awareness campaigns planned between the General Directorate of National Security and the National Gendarmerie. In the presence of Pr.MEGHACHOU Mourad, the university of Tlemcen's rector of the faculty, Pr.MILIANI Mohamed, the dean of the faculty of letters and languages, Pr.HADJOUI Ghouti vice dean of the faculty, teachers, and students.

The event is organized by the following:

The principal police officer. I'm M. Bellaha Nabil the chief of the communication and public relations cell of the security of the wilaya of Tlemcen,.

Commandant of the National Gendarmerie Daroui Fouzi

The wilaya of Tlemcen's security control doctor

The awareness day included a variety of subjects relating to this scourge, how drugs have permeated society, and methods of treating and controlling them.

The The participants discussed the seriousness of persons misusing the Internet and social media platforms, which exposes them to falling prey to misuse of these tools and influences them with harmful notions, which may lead them to conduct crimes that are illegal under the law. The national gendarmerie and the security of the wilaya of Tlemcen participants made a plea to intensify these campaigns to minors and young adults about the risks of these crimes and the proper ways to use social media. In addition, they urged students to exercise caution and report any drug trafficking by calling a toll-free number.